Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A Sickness or the Best Prescribed Medicine?

I told myself that I would refrain from all social media during spring break. I told myself that I would take a break and disconnect this week.

Well, no such luck. My “break” from Twitter was a matter of hours.

I am not sure what it is about Twitter.

It could be that I have met new people and have made both local and global connections, or it could be the encouraging quotes, motivating ideas, and inspirational videos tweeted and retweeted by members of my PLN. Possibly, it's that my thinking is confirmed, and also challenged, by like-minded people on Twitter. Maybe, it's the monthly FSUSD friendly competitions, or maybe, it’s the #IMMOOC blogs and chat. Quite possibly, it’s that I am able to share the amazing, innovative teaching strategies and student work in my school district, while at the same time, learn about new and exciting ideas from other districts. It could also be that I am introduced to new programs and websites while on Twitter, or that I am able to receive the highlights of current EdCamps or CUE Conferences that I am not able to attend. Maybe, it's the BreakoutEDU success stories, or maybe, it’s the numerous books that are recommended and highlighted on Twitter, such as Kids Deserve It!, The Innovator’s Mindset, Start Right Now, and most recently, Lead Like a Pirate. Yet, it may simply be the funny memes and the Warriors highlights.

Or…it is all of the above. One thing is for sure, I am hooked. 

Recently, I told a member of my PLN that our frequency on Twitter is a sickness. Perhaps, though, it is the best prescribed medicine.

The Bruce Dickinson” in the “More Cowbell” comedy sketch from Saturday Night Live tells the Blue Oyster Cult, "I got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell." Well, in this case, I got a fever, and the only prescription is more Twitter.



  1. I completely concur. Twitter provides a happiness "high"

  2. When I need a mental break or some inspiration, I love spending a few minutes on Twitter and refreshing my mindset.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. What's more refreshing, tapping into Twitter or reading the local newspaper or watching the news? Or positive? Every time I pick up a device that pale blue bird is staring at me:)
